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Transponder Keys

Transponder keys are devices designed from a handheld device that transmit a radio signal to a remote receiver. These keys are used to unlock and start vehicles, though they are also used in things like gate openers and keyless entry systems.

The process of key identification works similar in almost all automotive transponder systems; once a key is inserted into the ignition lock and turned to the run positions the induction coil that is mounted around the ignition lock sends out an electromagnetic field of energy. This is the standard of how all transponder keys work.

There are a number of different ways that they are programmed, and in order to reduce the possibility of theft, especially in each different case, because it depends on what kind of car it is. It’s really simple actually, to install, and to program transponder chips which are inside of each transponder key (we’ll talk about this a little bit later).

These devices are popular no matter what the situation is it doesn’t matter if you’re wanting this for your residential vehicles, or the vehicles used for your commercial business. When a Person is looking for convenience when using their vehicle there is no reason not to invest in this technology.

The origin of this technology:

Introduced in 1995, the vehicular-use transponder keys consist of a small microchip in the plastic part of a key. This microchip has a unique serial number, which is programmed initially before it’s even used. This is just something that makes it easier for anyone who wants to unlock or start their car. The chip sends a request to the car to operate the serial number to operate and function properly. When used it turns off the engine immobilizers. It will remain unlocked and immobilized if the car doesn’t recognize the number. The engine will turn over if the key is not programmed, and it won’t start since the immobilizers are still activated.

Transponder keys are more common in new or high-end models, but they are available for a lot of different vehicles from all over. Any car can actually be retrofitted for transponder systems, and it's expensive, epically depending on the make model and year of the vehicle. It requires creating or reprogramming the electrical system in a car and making a new key.

Locksmiths have the ability to do this, yet some people chose to go to an auto dealer since this involves releasing their programming information to a third party.

Replacements are not unusual for transponder chips, and this can also be done by either a locksmith or an auto dealer. That’s why its always a good idea to have two transponder keys on you at a time in case this horrible situation comes where you lose one. In order to save more money more transponder keys installed at the beginning means saved money over time, just because of the cost of replacing them builds up.

There are even kits that can bypass transponders as well as a tutorial on the internet with electrical relays and wiring that can help anyone bypass any transponder chips.

Some people actually get a new plain key cut for the ignition and tape the transponder key on the inside of the steering column so that it is close enough to turn off the engine immobilizers, and they can start their car with a plain key. Which means it is possible for drivers to program their blank keys, but the process is difficult and varies depending on the make and model of their vehicle. There are a lot of different model-specific instructions posted around the internet, but owners have to take their time and experiment to find out if any of that works before they begin.

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Technology Used in Other Places:

Transponder technology can be found in a large variety of other applications. They are used for everything from garage or gate opening remote controls, and wireless house-entry systems. There are more advancements in the technology that are leading to the development of keyless entry and starting systems. Some of these systems include a signal that is continually sent out from the Fob, as it’s in range of the receiver, the doors will be unlocked and the car can then be started with a push-button ignition. The doors will then in this situation automatically lock if the transponder key is not in an active range of the vehicle.

This then makes it harder for vehicles to be broken into because the car is locked when the owner simply leaves their vehicle. It’s convenient because you don’t have to remember if your vehicle was even locked in the first place.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Transponder Keys:

Thieves have found ways around the system, by sometimes by towing the car away or bypassing the system with a bypassing machine. Which, as the technology improves has become less of a problem, because the people who are trying to bypass or get into vehicles are having trouble keeping up with the technology.

The technology involved in programming keys are specific to the vehicles has led to manufactures and insurance companies to consider cars with transponder keys to be theft proof.

If you don’t think your vehicle is new enough to have a transponder system built into it, then it’s good to know that almost every vehicle since 1995 contains a transponder chip. So, has this technology was created, it began to get extremely popular around that same time.

The Future of Transponder Technology:

As the technology continues to improve it's obvious that it’s going to become a lot more useful especially for people who are fearful of people breaking into their house. It can be used for more than just your vehicle, and it can automatically lock your vehicle for you when you’re away from it so there’s no fear of someone breaking.

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